Featured Ambassador: Laura Brown

So Laura, tell us about your interest in sustainability...

Having studied Biology and always being an avid outdoor adventurer, meant that conserving the natural environmental and my awareness of the destructive manner we humans have towards the planet has meant that I couldn't ignore it. Communication of how countries, businesses and individuals can combat is vital in attacking the issues of sustainability head on.. and thats what I am trying to do, working to create a sustainable event industry.

What one tip would you give to others when it comes to sustainability in events?

Be creative! There are so many ways sustainable practices can save money, resources, time, and ultimately have a better impact. A good example of this is at the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games, where robots wrote information into sand on the beach, utilising no materials, no clean up costs and providing a cool display of technology.

What is your favourite SDG and why?

I love SDG17 - Partnerships for goals. It is all inclusive, bringing together national governments, the international community, civil society, the private sector and other actors to meet the SDG targets for the 2030 agenda. We all have to work together and communicate across many different areas and disciplines to achieve the SDGs by 2030.

Why do you think others should sign up to become an Ambassador?

Becoming a Positive Impact ambassador gives you access to lots of great FREE materials to educate yourself but also others around you. You get regular updates from the team in Manchester on the impact they are having on the events industry, and provide a great inspiration to do your bit through their call-to-actions. Anyone can sign up!