10 top tips to create responsible consumption and production at events

10 top tips

Our theme of the month is "what is the role of events in creating responsible consumption and production in the world?"  According to the UN, "each year about one third of all food produced—equivalent to 1.3 billion tonnes worth around $1 trillion—ends up rotting in the bins of consumers and retailers, or spoiling due to poor transportation and harvesting practices." The impact of high consumption and production is severely harming the environment and polluting our water. Events are therefore great opportunities to educate people on the impact of high consumption and production but they are also a fantastic way to showcase how responsible production and consumption can be achieved.

1) Plan Ahead

Be as accurate in your estimations as possible. Find out how many people are attending in advance and if they have any food requirements. Consequently, you will know who to cater for and how much food to provide in order to minimize food waste.


2) Use renewable energy or energy saving devices to power your event

Choose a venue which uses renewable energy or efficient energy devices for their lighting and heating.

3) Offer eco-friendly transport and facilities at your event

Some venues offer free bike stands outside their building to encourage people to cycle instead of taking a car. However, if cars are unavoidable, why not encourage people to take a car share in order to reduce the impact on resources?

4) Send information electronically

Rather than handing out paper materials, leaflets or receipts, send out information digitally via email or social media platforms.

5) Encourage people to bring their own notebooks, bags or lunch boxes

Asking people to bring their own resources to an event is a great way of minimizing consumption costs as well as the impact on the environment. Also, if there is any leftover food, people can take it home in their own lunch boxes.

6) Make sure you compost

Make sure that all food that is biodegradable is composted rather than just put in the bin. This will reduce the waste going to landfill unnecessarily.

7) Provide recycling bin

Make sure there are plenty of recycle bins at your event and they are visible.

 8) Link up with food organisations

Working with food donation charities, food that would otherwise g to waste after an even can have a positive impact on the community.

9)Use reusable plates and cutlery

If reusable plates and cutlery are not at hand, make sure they can be easily recycled.

10) Educate

Use your event as a platform to educate people about reducing production and consumption in the event industry. Provide workshops and conferences to spread the word of a sustainable event industry.